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26 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Email Health Score

What’s your email health score? Have you looked at it? Do you know what to do with the data presented on the health page? Let's talk about some of these metrics and ways to improve them.

Understanding and improving your email health score is crucial for maintaining a successful email marketing strategy. Your email health score gives you a snapshot of how well your emails are performing and highlights areas for improvement.  

By focusing on key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, hard bounces, and unsubscribes, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your campaigns. 

In this guide, we will break down these metrics and provide actionable tips to boost your email performance.

Email Health


The open rate measures how frequently your audience is opening your emails. It represents the number of people who opened your marketing emails divided by the number of people who were sent the email. 

Tips to Improve Open Rates: 

  1. Write Stellar Subject Lines:
    • Ensure they are compelling and relevant to your audience.
    • Use HubSpot’s AI Assistant to craft subject lines that have performed well in the past.
  2. Optimize Length and Content:
    • Are the subject lines too long or too short?
    • Do they lead with the most important information?
    • Include personalization and emojis where it makes sense.
  3. Target the Right Audience:
    • Ensure your content matches the interests and needs of your audience.
    • Regularly clean your email lists to maintain high relevance.


HubSpot defines click-through rate as the percentage of people who clicked on a link in the email out of the people who opened the email. Click rate represents the number of people who clicked on a link out of the number of emails that were delivered. 

Tips to Improve Click-through Rates: 

  1. Include Multiple Links:
    • Ensure there are links throughout the email, not just at the bottom. 
    • Use a mix of link types such as button links, in-line text links, and clickable images.
  2. Place Links Strategically:
    • Ensure important links are placed high in the email where readers are more likely to see them.
  3. Avoid Overloading with CTAs: 
    • Provide clear and concise calls to action without overwhelming the reader.

Hard Bounces 

A hard bounce occurs when an email cannot be delivered due to a permanent reason such as an invalid email address. 

Tips to Reduce Hard Bounces: 

  1. Maintain Clean Email Lists:
    • Regularly update and clean your email lists to remove invalid addresses.
  2. Check for Spam Triggers: 
    • Ensure your email content does not trigger spam filters by avoiding "spammy" words and phrases.
  3. Monitor Bounce Rates: 
    • Use HubSpot’s tools to track and automatically manage hard bounces to protect your sender reputation.


The unsubscribe rate represents the number of people who have unsubscribed from all emails out of those who received marketing emails. 

Tips to Reduce Unsubscribes: 

  1. Match Subject Line and Content:
    • Ensure the content delivered matches what was promised in the subject line.
  2. Frequency and Relevance:
    • Avoid sending emails too frequently and ensure content remains relevant to your audience.
  3. Build Trust:
    • Provide valuable and educational content to build trust before making a more direct sales pitch.
  4. Update Email Templates:
    • Refresh outdated templates to keep your emails visually appealing.

Additional Tips for Enhanced Performance 

  1. Use Visuals and Examples:
    • Include images, infographics, or charts to illustrate key points and data. 
    • Provide real-world examples or case studies to make the content more relatable. 
  2. Optimize for Mobile: 
    • Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly with responsive designs. 
    • Use shorter paragraphs and larger fonts for better readability on small screens.
  3. Engage with Interactive Elements:
    • Add questions or polls within the content to encourage reader interaction. 
    • Use clear CTAs to guide readers on what action to take next.
  4. Regular Analysis and Adjustment: 
    • Continuously monitor your email performance metrics.
    • Make data-driven adjustments to your strategy to keep improving results.

Focusing on these key areas will help maintain an effective email marketing strategy. Craft compelling subject lines, provide valuable content, and ensure your emails are relevant and well-targeted. Regularly analyze email performance and make necessary adjustments to build stronger relationships with your audience, increase engagement, and drive better outcomes.

If you need additional help with your campaign strategy or setting up your HubSpot account for success, let us know. Our team at accelant specializes in large-scale data migrations and custom solutions for HubSpot users of all levels of expertise.

Ready to elevate your email marketing game? Partner with accelant today and transform your HubSpot strategy into a powerhouse of engagement and results! 

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