
Aligning to the Customer Journey

Written by Chris Algiere | 6/27/24

This is the second installment of a five-part blog series overviewing how to approach digital transformation within your organization.  

Understanding how your customers engage with your organization throughout the entire customer journey is critical to optimizing your processes for success.  

Picture your customers moving through the lifecycle funnel; engaging with your marketing content, advancing through your sales process, onboarding, and eventually becoming loyal, retained customers. Can you visualize it?

It probably looks something like this:

Now, consider your tech stack. Is it a well-oiled, easy to follow machine, or does it look more like a chaotic jumble of tools and platforms?

We select technologies to enhance our operations to drive value for our customers. So why do our stacks, designed to enhance and map the customer journey, rarely provide a holistic view of said customer journey?

As technology evolved, we over-engineered our stacks and lost focus on the customer experience. Our attention focused on forcing our customers through the technological maze we’ve constructed, rather than using technologies to enhance the path our customers are naturally taking. 

The two diagrams above fail to unify the most critical part of the story – an unwavering focus on the customer experience. 

Curating an end-to-end customer journey view 

Your funnel is more than just MQL > SQL > Deal > Customer.  

Your tech stack needs to be architected in a way that enables a seamless customer journey and primes your team with the data necessary to optimize and enhance your growth strategies. Including processes, systems, and strategies dedicated to customer renewals, expansions, and cross sell opportunities, enables you to capture an alarming amount of revenue potential. As well as enhancing the customer experience along the way to have tighter engagement with your teams.  

The moment of truth 

“I can’t overhaul my entire marketing> sales> Customer process right now; I have to operate the business.”

Overhauling your process might seem daunting, but it's essential for success. And the reality is – if you’re looking for an excuse to delay the inevitable – you’ll find one. 

You don't need to overhaul everything tomorrow, but you can get started right away. It all comes down to understanding how to get started.  

Where in the bowtie funnel will your organization benefit the most from process optimization – Marketing, Sales or Customer Success? How much growth can you anticipate seeing? What teams are most adaptable and open to change?

Our team specializes in making organizations successful, lean and aligned to a proven methodology. We understand the approach needed to strategize, migrate, build and enable teams for long term growth.  

Ready to get started? Let’s start by re-aligning your organization’s metrics, architecting your CRM, and measuring impact.