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Owning Your Digital Transformation in 2024

This is the first installment of a five-part blog series overviewing how to approach digital transformation within your organization.

Businesses must continuously adapt to stay competitive.  

Digital transformation is more than just adopting new technologies; it's about fundamentally changing how your organization operates to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and drives growth. By focusing on enhancing processes, reducing technical footprints, and honing in on key business metrics, companies can streamline operations and maximize their impact. 

Digital Transformation: What Is It?

Digital transformation is akin to setting New Year's resolutions for your business. Just as personal resolutions aim for healthier habits and improved well-being, digital transformation focuses on refining business processes, minimizing waste, and defining the strategic metrics that drive success.  

At its core, digital transformation seeks to create healthier, more efficient business operations. By integrating advanced technologies and innovative practices, companies can streamline workflows, enhance data-driven decision-making, and ultimately boost overall performance.  

Embarking on a digital transformation journey starts with executive sponsorship. Executive sponsorship ensures that digital transformation is not just a series of isolated projects but a strategic, company-wide effort that aligns with overarching business objectives. It's imperative that the transformation starts at the top, with leaders championing change management, setting clear goals, and fostering a culture of innovation. 

This transformation is not just about adopting new tools but about reshaping the way an organization thinks and operates to achieve sustained growth and competitiveness. 


Are You Ready for Digital Transformation?

To gauge your readiness for digital transformation, start with a self-assessment focusing on your CRM usage and overall tech stack.  

  • Does your Go-to-Market leadership team actively use the CRM daily to analyze performance, progress and pipeline?
  • Is your data accurate? How often do you rely on in-app messages, emails, Slack or regular meetings to identify resolutions?
  • Consider the frequency with which live data from your CRM or BI tools is reviewed. Do you have consistent, recurring meetings to review key metrics and raw data?
  • Assess your customer journey tracking capabilities—can all front-line teams seamlessly view customer interactions across the entire tech stack?  
  • Have you recently evaluated the costs and inefficiencies within your current technology setup?

If you have answered "no" to any of the questions above, it’s time to start thinking about digital transformation. 

Next Steps: Gathering Cold Hard Facts 

To move forward with your digital transformation, it's crucial to gather the cold hard facts.  

Begin with a thorough inventory of your tech stack, assessing the costs and the value each piece of data provides. This will help you identify inefficiencies and areas for potential savings.  

Next, appoint a dedicated sponsor who can lead the research into alternative solutions or updates to your current technology. This role is vital in driving the transformation forward.

Then, nominate your data/process owners. These are the people who will be responsible for documenting key processes and after transformation, responsible for keeping the data accurate.

Lastly, secure a firm commitment from senior leadership. Their support is essential for overcoming resistance to change and ensuring that the transformation aligns with strategic business goals.

Facing Cold Hard Truths 

Embarking on digital transformation requires confronting some cold hard truths about your current operations.  

Start by recognizing the existing challenges. You can blame technology or bad process, but at its core this problem stems from bad practices that exist within your technological architecture. Acknowledging these issues openly paves the way for meaningful change.  

Doing a rip and replace of your CRM won’t fix inefficiencies in your internal communications or impose a new commitment to data hygiene within your organization....but it can give you a fresh start and is an opportunity to define new standards for operational excellence.  

Operational administrators are vital to the success of any digital transformation initiative. They’re often one of the hardest workers in the room and are excited by the technologies they work in. Ensuring that your administrators' builds and configurations align with overall corporate goals help prevent misaligned efforts and maximize the strategic impact of your digital initiatives.  

Facing these truths head-on will empower your organization to make the necessary adjustments for a successful digital transformation. 

How Do I Get Started? 

You might be asking yourself “where do I even begin?”. Start by conducting a thorough self-assessment to identify gaps in your current processes and technology. Gather detailed information on your tech stack and involve senior leadership to ensure alignment and support. Confront the existing challenges head-on, focusing on data hygiene, communication, and aligning admin efforts with corporate goals. 

Actionable Steps: 
  1. Secure Executive Commitment - Ensure that senior management is fully committed to the transformation process by aligning to a corporate goal.  
  2. Appoint a lead - Choose a dedicated person to lead the research and updates on your technology stack. 
  3. Conduct a Tech Stack Audit - Assess the costs and value of your current data and technology. 
  4. Improve Data Hygiene - Maintain clean, accurate data and foster clear communication channels. 
  5. Align Admin Efforts - Ensure all administrative builds support the overarching corporate goals. 

Ready to transform your business and drive efficiency? Let the accelant team guide you through your digital transformation journey. Contact us today to start the conversation and see how we can help you achieve your goals. 


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