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Don't complicate it. HubSpot segmentation made simple

Ever wonder why some leads convert effortlessly while others go cold?

The secret? Audience segmentation.

In this blog, we’ll explore how segmentation in HubSpot helps you better target your efforts, optimize sales outreach, and streamline revenue operations. Whether you're aiming for higher engagement or smoother workflows, a well-structured segmentation strategy is essential to driving results.

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What is Segmentation?

Segmentation is the process of dividing a larger audience into smaller, more specific groups based on shared characteristics. In HubSpot, segmentation allows you to better target your messaging, optimize your sales efforts, and streamline your revenue operations by understanding each group’s unique needs and behaviors.

Proper segmentation ensures that your marketing and sales teams are reaching the right people with the right message, at the right time, leading to higher engagement, better conversion rates, and more effective use of resources. 

Why do you need a segmentation strategy for HubSpot?

HubSpot is a powerful CRM and marketing platform, but without a segmentation strategy, you're missing out on its full potential. Segmentation allows you to: 

  • Personalize marketing campaigns: Send targeted emails, create tailored workflows, and ensure leads receive relevant content.
  • Optimize sales outreach: Prioritize and personalize communication with high-quality leads based on their behaviors, demographics, and lifecycle stage. 
  • Improve operational efficiency: RevOps teams can streamline processes, enhance data accuracy, and ensure alignment between marketing, sales, and service by leveraging shared segmentation strategies. 
  • Enable scalable automation and lead scoring: A well-structured segmentation strategy within the CRM allows for accurate automation, such as personalized outreach sequences and effective lead scoring. This ensures high-priority leads are contacted at the right time, and automations can easily scale as your database grows.

Without segmentation, your teams risk wasting time on leads that aren’t ready to convert or bombarding customers with irrelevant communications, causing disengagement or missed opportunities.


Key Segmentation Categories

When setting up your HubSpot strategy, focus on three key segmentation categories: Buyer Type, Engagement Status, and Lifecycle Stage. 

Buyer Type

Segmenting your database by buyer type involves categorizing based on the buyer’s role, company, and persona, allowing you to tailor messaging to their decision-making authority and specific company needs.

Understanding who your buyers are and what challenges they face allows you to personalize marketing content and sales outreach based on their specific role and industry. For example, a CEO will require high-level ROI messaging, while a marketing manager may want to hear about specific tools or strategies they can implement.

Here are some examples of HubSpot properties that can help you segment your CRM by buyer type,

  • Job Title (e.g., CEO, Marketing Manager, IT Specialist)
  • Industry (e.g., SaaS, Healthcare, E-commerce)
  • Company Size (e.g., SMB, Enterprise)
  • Customer Type (e.g., Consumer, Wholesaler, Corporate)
  • Persona

Engagement Status 

Segmenting by engagement status focuses on how contacts interact with your marketing and sales efforts, whether it's through email engagement, website activity, or other touchpoints. This approach enables you to adjust outreach based on their level of involvement with your brand.

By monitoring engagement, you can identify which leads are actively interacting with your brand and which might require a different strategy. For instance, a contact who frequently visits product pages is likely closer to making a decision than someone who hasn’t responded to any emails.

Here are some examples of HubSpot properties that can help you segment your CRM by engagement status,

  • Email Engagement (Opened, Clicked, Replied)
  • Page Views (Specific pages/products viewed)
  • Last Interaction Date (e.g., last email click or call) 
  • Lead Status (e.g., Disqualified lead, attempting connection, connected)

Lifecycle Stage

Segmenting by lifecycle stage categorizes contacts based on where they are in their journey with your brand, from a new lead to a paying customer. Each stage requires a different strategy to move the contact further along the funnel.

Identifying the different lifecycle stages allows you to tailor your outreach strategies accordingly. For instance, new leads may require more nurturing, while qualified leads should be passed to sales for direct engagement. This ensures that your teams are targeting contacts with the right approach at the right time.

Here are some examples of variations in lifecycle stages that can help you segment your CRM by lifecycle stage,

  • Simplest Form: Lead, Customer
  • Moderately Detailed: Lead, Qualified Lead, Opportunity, Customer 
  • Out of the Box HubSpot Version: Subscriber, Lead, MQL, SQL, Opportunity, Customer, Evangelist

Why a Unified Data Strategy Matters

A unified data strategy ensures that marketing, sales, and service teams all access and use the same data fields, maintaining consistency in segmentation efforts. By focusing on building out your data strategy for cross-functional success, you'll build the foundation to achieve the following,

Alignment across teams: Marketing can pass on highly qualified leads to sales, while service can offer tailored support to different customer segments.

Increased efficiency: With shared data properties, all departments can streamline workflows, improve reporting, and reduce redundant efforts. 

Improved customer experience: Unified data means that customers receive consistent and cohesive communication at every touchpoint, enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

Understanding which properties to focus on is essential for ensuring that your team is capturing the right information within your CRM. By honing in on these key properties, each team can better segment and manage their contacts, ensuring more efficient communication and outreach. Below are the properties that every team should be monitoring to drive results.

Key properties and data to share across teams include lead source, lifecycle stage, customer persona, deal size, and last interaction date.

Marketing Sales Service
Persona Company Size Customer Type
Job Title Industry Product Usage/Purchased
Buyer Type Lifecycle Stage Ticket Type
Email Engagement (Opens) Lead Status Response Time (Ticket)
Website Activity (Page Views) Deal Activity (Recent) Last Contacted Date
Lead Source Last Contacted Date Upsell Potential
Lifecycle Stage Time in Deal Stage Time as a Customer

A solid segmentation strategy in HubSpot is more than just organizing contacts—it's about delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. By focusing on key categories like Buyer Type, Engagement Status, and Lifecycle Stage, you can optimize outreach, improve team alignment, and drive results across your entire organization.


Have more questions?

Our HubSpot experts are here to help you optimize your CRM and segmentation strategies, ensuring your teams reach the right contacts at the right time.

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